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Log Shield 2 Litres

Log Shield 2 Litres

GST Included

What is it
Log Shield End Grain Sealer is a wax emulsion that is applied to the end grain of green wood or the face grain of turning blanks and/or carvings. It works by sealing the wood and preventing it from starting to dry in the areas where it is applied. Since the end grain of green wood is the first to start drying and dries much faster than the rest of the wood, the End Grain Sealer slows down and evens out the drying on the entire piece of wood and helps reduce end cracking.
The Log Shield is formulated for green wood and helps with stabilize the wood. This stabilizes the wood and reduces the cracking, checking, and warping in the wood.


What is it
Log Shield sealers are specifically formulated to control the rate of moisture loss in green timber by forming a durable wax membrane between the exposed end/side grain and the surrounding ambient atmosphere.
The goal is not to prevent moisture from moving through the wax coating, but instead to slow the rate of moisture evaporation, thereby reducing drying defects like end grain checking and warping.

Tip: Wax emulsions must be applied as soon as the log is cut for maximum protection. Application of the sealer to dried log surfaces will reduce the overall protection level achieved and may not stop the continued progression of any existing surface checks.
Log Shield is a microcrystalline wax-based coating. It contains microcrystalline wax, water and a surfactant it is also milky-white in appearance. Non-staining
The inside and outside end grain portions of these bowls were first wet turned freshly cut timber then treated with Log Shield log shield my success rate of usable bowls went from 30% to 85%
Many joineries, and milling operations use this product.


How to use it 
Brush the end grain free of any loose surface material prior to application.
Liberally apply a single coat of End Seal to the end grain.
Thinning, if required, may be achieved by thorough stirring. Water should not be added, as this will reduce the effectiveness of End Seal.

Application of the sealer to ends of timber posts, beams, log surfaces, bowl blanks that are not coated with anything will help the overall protection level and may help stop surface checks, etc. although we advise that End Seal must be applied as soon as the timber is available for maximum protection .

Be cautious as not to get End Seal on any ascetic, dressed faces
Use a Speed brush or roller that can be thoroughly rinsed a couple of times and allowed to dry for next time with log shield.  You can use a bucket to dunk the timber in to.

Log Shield/End Grain is a wax emulsion for sealing the cut ends of timber posts, beams, wet turned woodturning, timber slabs etc and is an effective and easy to use preventative reducing checking in sawn timbers, It can go on green, dry. Also Used to stop sap staining before milling.
Used in architectural builds where exposed ends on beams, cladding or screens made of Cedar, etc need ultimate protection for low maintenance and timber stability.


By using this product, you can ensure greater success of stabilizing your masterpiece.

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